Monday, August 30, 2010

Boxing vs. MMA

The age old debate, boxing versus mixed martial arts.  It's simple and cut and dry.  They are simply two different sports.  There isn't much more to it that that.  The one thing they do share in common is inflicting physical damage and pain on your opponent via strikes.  Other than that, it's like comparing basketball to football.  Sure, they both use a ball, but they don't match up. 

The perfect example was James Toney vs. Randy Couture in UFC 118.  Toney was hot to get into MMA and show the world that he didn't need a well rounded game, all he needed was boxing.  We all know how that ended.  Someone got choked out.  But we all saw that coming.  You can't expect to cross over into a dynamic sport composed of so many different elements from another sport that is completely different.  Is boxing comples, yes.  Is MMA complex, yes.  Can you compare the two, no. 

I could go on all day about just how very different each sport is but here is a short list.  First, the gloves are different sizes, weights and thickness.  A strike to the head from a 4 ounce MMA glove is much different than a boxing glove.  Two, boxing is a stand-up war.  MMA is dynamic.  If you are getting beat on your feet, you shoot for the take down, work the Jiu Jitsu, wrestle.  There are different outs.  In boxing, you're going to have to stand there and bang, you have no other option.  You can lay and pary on your opponent hoping to tie him up enough to regain whatever you need, time or energy.  But, that only works for so long.

Now if Randy Couture stepped in the Boxing ring, the dynamic changes.  There are a whole hell of a lot more rounds and Randy can't drop to the floor for the take down.  He's forced to bang and exchange.  I'm not so sure that's where Randy wants to be.  There are however many strikers in MMA who might just handle their own if not make a name in boxing should they try.  I'm willing to be the same can be said for boxers in MMA.

I can say this, it's not James Toney.  Over weight, out of shape, and no concept of Jiu Jitsu makes for a bad MMA practitioner.  It probably makes for a bad boxer too.  At the end of the day, it's apples to oranges.  You really can't compare the two.  My preference is MMA for many reasons, but that's another article all by itself. 

~ Shane


  1. I'd have to agree with you. Boxing being an "ingredient" of MMA, of course you'd need a well-rounded game to transition. It was like the old days MMA. Even a world Champion wrestler had to take the time to learn the other elements. Bobby Lashley got a rude awaken a few weeks ago and he's been working his game. If a champion kick-boxer, or wrestler, or jiu-jitsu black belt steps up without cross training it always happens. they lose. they need to grow and adapt no matter what the base skill. It's no different for a Boxer.

  2. I concur. That's why they call it mixed martial arts. Boxing is a single art, Jiu Jitsu is a single art. Same goes for Muy Thai and wrestling. You have to have a well rounded game to be an MMA practitioner. If you don't have a well rounded game, you can expect your opponent to exploit your weakness. Like a friend told me, position before submission.

  3. I just a video of him post fight, James Toney has remained humble and understanding of the effort. He admits there is no point in fighting nobodies and if a lose id what he's got take from the best around, fine. Meanwhile randy is logical enough to not step in the boxing ring with Toney for fear of being decapitated
