Monday, July 12, 2010

Carwin vs. Lesnar!!!

I'm really interested in what all you MMA junkies have to say about this fight. Is it what you expected? Did Shane Carwin just gas out? Whose truly the better fighter, not just who won the fight, simply whose better.

Here is my opinion. Shane Cawin would have destroyed Brock. He lit him up and dropped him like a hot potatoe. His one mistake was gassing out. He had Brock running and landed him on his back. While Brock lay rocked in the fetal position, instead of forcing him to his feat, or working for a submission, he put all his energy into continuing the barage of strikes. It takes a lot of energy to keep hitting a brick wall. When it's doing no damange, dont waste the energy. Force your oponent to their feet where they have no choice but to bang with you.

Carwin made the mistake of gassing out. That's what lost him the fight. He's a better fighter and would have beat Brock, but he didn't bottom line. A win is a win. My opinion is Carwin is a better fighter, he might not have been smarter at UFC 116, but he's the better fighter.



  1. Brock Lesnar vs Shane Carwin - An Explosion of Catastrophe - Highlights and the pre-fight build up.

  2. A day in the life of Shane Carwin!

    ~ Shane

  3. Hard to say. I did go into that fight believing Shane would win. Brock is a hell of an athlete. He was rocked and takien by surprise. He didn't really have an answer for Shane's barrage (then again who does?) However, I don't think he has being given enough credit for answering the ref when called to do so. He continued to search for a way out and to react and move. Also when he sinks the sub in on Shane you can see him listening to his corner for advice. he then makes slight adjustments and taps Shane out. This combined with the previous point show me an important aspect of fighting that Brock possesses. He can adapt. He listens to his corner and he's "in" the fight and He's coachable.
    Not only that, he came with a game plan that was effective. He stated that he knew Shane wouldn't expect a sub so he trained for it.
    Shane came expecting to do the same thing he always does and once that didn't work he was out of ideas(and gas)
    Shane made a rookie mistake and didn't breath and got over excited.

    right now I'd Shane IS a better fighter though. 9 times out of 10 Shane wins.
    However ever day that passes before that rematch Brock closes that gap.

  4. have to agree with you. You make several good points. One, Brock has become coachable. Two, he cam with a plan and it wasn't jus to stand and bang. Although that may be debatable. Although he sought out and completed the submission, I'm not so sure that was in his original bag of tricks.

    I think the submission was more inline with your first point that he has become more coachable. Being that Brock's corner saw that Carwin was gassed out, they pushed Brock for the take down and submission.

    Prior to that, I don't see it as being an option. He was getting rocked about the cage, there wasn't much effort on his part to shoot for the take down and run the Jiu Jitsu game on carwin. Had Carwin not gassed out, the submision may not have been an option. Not that he had not trained for submissions, but he wasn't in very many situations where he could have pulled it off.

    None the less, he did. He listened and pulled it off. A win is a win and at the end of the day that's what counts when you're the belt holder.

    My honest opinion is that Brock is going to remain on top until he meets Shane again. I'm not sure that Cain Velasquez has the experience and talent to take the belt.

    To be even more honest, I'm not sure what it's going to take to derail the Brock train. Out of the gate he was just huge. That's what he had going for him.

    Then he developed a stand-up game and some pretty decent boxing. Against Carwin he showed that he is not just a wrestler, but has big man Jiu Jitsu skills as well. You are correct, ever day that passes he closes the gap to becoming an even more, well rounded elite supreme sized heavyweight reigning champion.
    And that’s exactly why I don’t see Cain Velasquez posing a real threat. He won’t lose for lack of heart of effort. I think he’ll fight his heart out, but it just might not be enough. If he can stay out of the way of Brocks bear paws and land some bombs like Carwin, he might be able to drop Lesnar. Unlikely, but possible under the right conditions.

  5. I'm counting the days until Shane and Brock meet again. Brock, to me, showed what it takes to be a champion, exactly as Daydreamcomics stated.. I expected Shane to win, but I think experience was a huge factor here. Despite the fact that they both have logged minimal time in the octagon, Brock had one thing Shane didn't, a loss on his record. I believe when you lose, a hole is exposed, and a great fighter says to himself "never again". Frank Mir showed Brock that you can't rush in and rely on your one strength(in this case, literally, strength), and the next time Brock and Mir met, the fight went a different way. If Carwin develops better ring awareness and composure, the next time he and Brock meet could end very differently.

  6. John,

    You make some very good points. There is one thing that I do disagree on. Shane has much more experience in the ring (octagon) than Brock. I guess that creates the argument that he should have known better.

    You're right about the loss and a hole being exposed. Once you have that loss, you have blood lust. You want to avenge your loss. You have something to prove. The next meeting will definitely go very differently.

    Anything can happen, but this time, Carwin definitely won't rush in. Brock has proven that he can't bang with Carwin. If he tries, he'll end up in the fetal position again. However, Carwin has to understand that when you're fighting at that size, you have to be able to pace yourself. You can't blow your wad early.

    Well played!
